Jo-Anne Dusha
Peter Dusha
Ken Edge-Williams
Bob Harding
Arthur Hayes
Kerrie Hayes
Craig Mackie
MRQC acknowledges the support of the Australian Model Railway Magazine in promoting and presenting its conventions.
This web site was created as an extension of the Convention to promote both the Convention itself and the modelling of Queensland's many and varied railways.
The Convention is normally held every two years in Brisbane and brings together modellers and railfans with an interest in Queensland's railways and tramlines. Attendees come from every state in Australia and occasionally from overseas.
Typically at least a one-day (Saturday) convention, events include clinics and other presentations, modelling demonstrations, layouts, trade stands and a group dinner. A visit to a local rail heritage attraction and/or local model railways typically occurs on the Sunday.
So what is the purpose of the convention? The name gives the hint: our conventions are directed towards modelling, modelling the railways of a particular state or period.
While exhibitions cater to a broad spectrum of modellers, conventions are, by intention, narrowly focussed on a particular system, location or era. They do not primarily deal with modelling techniques per se. Their principal role is the dissemination of knowledge about the prototype and how that knowledge can be applied to the production of a scale model railway which can be visually identified with a particular real railway. ['Comment', Ian Dunn, AMRM, October 2008, p 3.]
Copyright © Modelling the Railways of Queensland Convention, Lynn Zelmer or the contributor as appropriate. Last updated: 10 November 2024 [lz]; e-mail: Lynn @