Modelling with card:
basic tips (pdf file, Handbook article).
Index to card models of Queensland type structures, rolling stock, etc., including Jim Fainges' complete Queensland collection and Lynn Zelmer's collection to date.
Individual drawings may also be accessed through the search function of the online rail heritage image library (use drawing as a search term). Jim's other building kits are available in his semi-commercial LanNdad (CD) series.
If you are primarily interested in loco drawings you need to be aware that the late Jim Fainges often did not have field dimensions, but prepared his drawings from photos using photogrammetric techniques. While they are the only drawings we have in many instances, and I have personally found them quite reasonable for modelling purposes, they may not be good enough for an accurate model of a specific locomotive.
Zelmer, Lynn and others. Almost two and a half decades of NGDU magazine articles include modelling a QR fettler's shed, timber frame camp wagon, and Queensland country hotel; and a variety of sugar cane railway (locos, rolling stock and infrastructure) topics.
Hayes, Arthur. Bridge Upgrades,
Article from Train Talk, April 2024.
Hayes, Arthur. Modelling Queensland Railways guards vans,
Article from AMRM, April 2024.
Hayes, Arthur. Queensland Railways (QR) 1460/1502 class Diesel Electric Locomotives, Review from AMRM April 2024.
Clarkson, Doug. Monroe Brother's Hampton Railway, Article from Train Talk, January 2024.
Hayes, Arthur. Containers, Article from NMRA/AR Mainline, Nov/Dec/2023.
Martin Brechbiel (MMR). Scratch building an O scale timber wagon,
images extracted from a New Tracks Modelling YouTube video ( November 2023).
Hayes, Arthur. QR Containers on Westgate,
Article from Train Talk 387 (October 2023).
Hayes, Arthur. YK Cattle Wagon,
Article from Train Talk 386.
Hayes, Arthur. QR Fruit Bins,
Articles from Train Talk 384-5.
Hayes, Arthur. Building an 8 wheeled timber framed Wagon,
Power Point Notes (pdf file) for clinic at AR Div 1 meeting, May 2023.
Hayes, Arthur. QR HWO End Gates,
Product Review in AMRM, April 2023.
Downey, Les. Guard Van Tail Lights,
Article from Train Talk, January 2023.
Faulkner, Keith. QR, Qld cane and Qld tramways 3D models, Creative Commons License files for 3D printing [offsite link correct 26/1/2023].
Hayes, Arthur. QR CLV Guard Vans, Article from Train Talk, November & December 2022.
Downey, Les. QR ZZ Carriage End Railings. Article from Train Talk, October 2022.
Hayes, Arthur. QR PCO/PCUY Container Wagon in HOn3.5 and HO, Product Review in AMRM, October 2022.
Beal, Greg. Constructing QR RM55 in G. Clinic notes from presentation at New England Model Railway Convention, Armidale, 2022.
Hayes, Arthur. Trackside with the SM: What is That? (Other loads).
Article from Mainline, September/October 2022.
Hayes, Arthur. Scratch Building in Styrene.
Article from Mainline, May/June and July/August 2022.
Hayes, Arthur. PJW 30700 Well Wagon.
Article from Train Talk (Toowoomba), June and July 2022.
Herrmann, Jeff. Techniques for Improving Plastic Windows and Doors, Article from The Switchlist (NMRA PNR), April/May 2022.
Hayes, Arthur. Bulk Apples on QR.
Article from Train Talk (Toowoomba), February 2022.
Hayes, Arthur. QR WHE Wagons.
Article from Train Talk (Toowoomba), December 2021 and January 2022.
Hayes, Arthur. Dining Car on Westgate.
Article from Mainline, January/February 2022.
Hayes, Arthur. QR Train 6678.
Articles from Train Talk (Toowoomba), August, September and October 2021.
Hayes, Arthur. Trackside with the SM: People.
Article from NMRA Australasian Region "Mainline", September/October 2021.
Hayes, Arthur (2021). Shunt Train 100 Up on Westgate,
Article in NMRA Mainline 38-4.
Hayes, Arthur. Tea Bag Tarps.
Article from NMRA Australasian Region "Mainline", May/June 2021.
Hayes, Arthur. QR Dining Cars.
Article from Train Talk (Toowoomba) 350, August 2020.
Hayes, Arthur. Building an 8 Wheel Wagon (QR).
Mp4 video (54:27) from NMRAx Virtual Model Railroad Convention June 13, 2020.
Hayes, Arthur. Wheels (QR wagons and loads).
Article from Train Talk (Toowoomba) 349, July 2020.
Driver, Lincoln. QR/QRN 'Sweeper" Freight Train" Nos 243/752.
Article from Australian Model Railway Magazine, February 2020.
Hayes, Arthur (2019). Wyandra.
Notes from a Train Talk article on Wyandra Station on the SWR, and
2020 update.
Tonkin, Rod (2018). A Modeller's Guide to steel framed industrial structures,
Article from NMRA Mainline 35-5.
QR (2016). Rail Journeys in Queensland,
2016 map from embark, Queensland Rail Travel Quarterly Magazine, January to March 2016 (A4 131Kb).
Zelmer, Lynn. Moving People on Queensland's Tramways. 2015 Australian Narrow Gauge Convention
notes (12 pages), slides from ppt
presentation (20 pages),
poster with drawings and
poster with photos (A3 reductions from large wall posters), crossword
puzzle (one page), and
key (one page), all pdf files.
Zelmer, Lynn (2015). A3 version (pdf file) of large scale Helping Preserve... poster prepared for the Archer Park Rail Museum:
Rockhampton 1947: poster with map showing CBD and wharf rail lines (A3 pdf 377Kb>.
Hayes, Arthur. Conveying Goods/Freight on your Layout. Australasian Region NMRA 2014 Convention (notes, 25 pages).
Zelmer, Lynn [2014]. Selected Resources for Modelling Queensland's Railways and Shire/Cane Mill Tramlines. Australasian Region NMRA 2014 Convention (notes, 6 pages).
Armstrong, John. Old style Fettler's Cottage with detatched kitchen
(drawing, 94 Kb pdf file).
Kerr, John [2002]. The Wee MacGregor Tramway: A Novel Partnership for Government,
article in ARHS Bulletin, August 2002.
Loveday, EM (c1997). Adventures in Paradise, WWII activities at Mossman Mill, scanned and transcribed from the Ted Ward Collection (1.5 Mb pdf file):
illustrated notes.
Dow, Bob (1997).
Scratchbuilding Sugar Cane Bins from Australian Model Railway Magazine, February, pp 37-39. Article based on Convention presentation.
Fainges, Jim. Scale drawings from photographs: illustrated
notes on the use of photogrammetry.
The Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton (14 May 1992). Centenary train travels QR
Central Line Rockhampton to Winton.
AMRM. QR KKB and S Wagons, KKB photo & KKB/S plans, in The Australian Model Railroad Magazine, May/June 1970.
Mount Morgan Limited (1952). Trucks and Wagons in use on mine,
drawing M-199 [A3], Mount Morgan, Queensland: Mount Morgan Limited, drawn 21 March 1907 LB, traced 10 January 1952 EN.