MRQC: Convention Info
Selected images, assorted photographers.

Greg Reason Memorial Award

Greg Reason, a very capable and knowledgeable modeller, was a founder-member of the Committee for the inaugural (1995) Modelling the Railways of Queensland Convention. Sadly during the preparation for that convention Greg died as the result of a sudden illness.

In 1995 it was decided to honour Greg's work in the hobby with an award to a Convention participant who had made the most significant contribution to the success of the convention for that year. This is known as the Greg Reason Memorial Award.

   1995: Don Warn
   1996: Bob Dow
   1998: John Newell
   2000: Jim Hutchinson
   2002: Peter Kennedy
   2004: Ken Howard
   2006: Arthur Hayes
   2008: Lynn Zelmer
   2010++: Not Awarded

Next Convention

In July 2019 it was hoped the next MRQC would be in 2021 in the Brisbane area. However with continuing Covid requirements, venue difficulties and the cancellation of Sydney's June Exhibition the timing of the next Convention is uncertain. In the meantime clinic notes from previous MRQCs are gradually being scanned and uploaded.

Bookmark this page for information on the next Convention!

Notes from Previous Conventions

Convention presenters generally prepare quite significant notes for their clinics. Visit the Downloads page for a selection of these clinic notes and other materials from past conventions.

Books and other publications of interest to Queensland modellers and railfans.

We do not generally promote commercial suppliers -- they do attend and display their wares at the convention -- but it is worth mentioning that a long out-of-print basic guide to modelling Queensland Railways has been republished by Wuiske Models: Armstrong, John (2004). Modelling the Queensland Railways Scene, republished 2015. (Link to the Wuiske catalog and look under books, $20 +p&p at time of posting).

Copyright © Modelling the Railways of Queensland Convention, Lynn Zelmer or the contributor as appropriate. Last updated: 8 April 2021 [lz]; e-mail: Lynn @